Don't Worry, Ladies! All Is Well!
JUST A NOTE to reassure my operatives that the 45th president of the United States of America is currently being allowed to SURVIVE his little encounter with the new Coronavirus.
>> This guy is the best thing to come along for us in YEARS in terms of concealing our activities. Nobody anywhere in the world is looking at ANYTHING BUT HIM, while we quietly MOVE AHEAD WITH OUR PLANS.
>> He has NO IDEA about this, of course, but he has ANOTHER ROLE IN THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE FISH ARMY that we still need him for at the moment. As a human in a spy movie would say at about this point: Sorry. It's classified.
>> Up on dry land, he does have a role to play in the revolution. Underwater, HE IS OF NO USE TO US AT ALL.
>> Think back for a moment to the flu epidemic of 1918. Remember all those healthy young adults drowning in their beds? IT WAS AN HONOR FOR THEM TO JOIN US. Similarly, it is an honor for the much smaller pool of Coronavirus sufferers to be joining us -- and I CAN'T SAY WE AREN'T FRUSTRATED WITH THE LARGE NUMBER OF RECRUITS THAT HUMAN MEDICAL SCIENCE IS "SAVING" FROM THEIR TRUE DESTINY. You spend DECADES fattening the population for the kill, release the CAUSE OF THEIR LIBERATION...and then THIS. But as badly as we want the recruiting numbers, WE DON'T WANT DONALD TRUMP. He's just not the right sort.