Sunday, June 23, 2013

Says Here...

...that the world production of FARMED FISH now exceeds that of BEEF.  Do I even have to explain what that means, ladies?
It means more of our operatives on more Shaved Monkey menus.
It means fewer of the new operatives we obtain from dinner-table recruiting will be suffering from Mad Cow Disease, so we can save the TIME and EFFORT of clearing out the prions before they can begin turning into fish.
It means other things I cannot divulge on the Internet.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Let's Get Real Here For A Minute...

The SLIGHTLY RADIOACTIVE GOLDFISH found in a pitcher of water at the Perry nuclear power plant in Ohio did NOT die of radiation sickness, ladies.  It was the SAME OLD STORY.  Someone neglected them until they died.  Typical.

Of course, until they did enter the Roiling Intestine of Dagon they were reporting STRAIGHT BACK TO US.  The information has proven remarkably valuable.  THEIR SACRIFICE WAS NOT IN VAIN.