A Brief Reprieve...
For those of you who have not been up on dry land in a while, this price for the delectable legs of our best-loved exoskeletal recruiting operatives is RIDICULOUSLY HIGH. And this is the Costco price, offered by the chain known for its deep-discount bulk-everything items. TEN POUNDS EQUALS A LOT OF OPERATIVES WHO GAVE THEIR ALL FOR THE CAUSE!
The idiotic landscum NEVER FIGURE OUT that if they politely asked each one of us to donate a leg, WE COULD DO IT AND THEN GROW NEW ONES. Instead they SLAUGHTER US WHOLESALE.
On the one barbel, $44.90/lb is more like WHAT A CRAB IS WORTH TO US. A little appreciation from the shaved monkeys is nice now and then.
On the other barbel, this gives us a BADLY-NEEDED BREAK to recoup our numbers.
Of course this also LOWERS OUR ABILITY TO BRING IN NEW RECRUITS, but in the scheme of things it's going to be worth it. You may believe me on this one.
It's going to be PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICH TIME for the featherless bipeds for a while yet.