Totally Acceptable Security Leak
Well, you knew it and I knew it, but now EVERYONE can know it. The Pope wears a fish hat.
One thing I REALLY DON'T LIKE about the current guy in the job is that he usually wears that beanie thing that DOESN'T RESEMBLE A FISH AT ALL.
But every once in a while they all put on their fish finery and REALLY GO TO TOWN.
I have no idea how well-informed the wearers of these fish hats are about the ancient provenance of their headgear -- Hank, my male counterpart working out of Lake St. Clair, informs me that it is WICKED DIFFICULT to infiltrate the Vatican if you are a fish operative, making it hard to get complete information -- but hey, WE'LL ALL KEEP WORKING ON IT to spread the GOOD NEWS that all naked apes, everywhere, are descended from FISH and to the FISH they will return.
Curiously, it is the most highly religious who FIGHT AGAINST that clear knowledge, saying that they were ALWAYS human, were never apes OR fish, and will never BE anything but human. It's enough to make a Catfish laugh, honestly!
A few more examples of religious fish finery:
The Salmon of Knowledge from The Wicker Man
Saint Blase or San Biaggio, whose blessing keeps believers from CHOKING ON THE FISH BONES we use to turn naked apes into fish. So he's really a DOUBLE AGENT helping BOTH SIDES.
Saint Anthony of Padua, shown here preaching to the fish. Nobody ever notices that in every such depiction, THE FISH ARE LAUGHING THEMSELVES SICK. They knew he was already ONE OF US and the more converts he supposedly brought to the Church, the more fish operatives he was really adding to the Fish Army.
St. Benno, patron of Bavaria, shown here with his co-conspirator, a fish who hung onto his keys for him during a tense moment in German history and who gave them back later when the coast was clear. I want you all to notice that Benno is wearing one of the fish hats mentioned above!
Katie Whittle's modernized illustration of the Fijian Shark god Dakuwaqa.