Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Secret To Our Success In Keeping Projects, Well, Secret!

 One of my operatives just quoted a line from a book to me:
"In the ocean, there are no street addresses." 
(Unfortunately, she did not tell me the name of the book, so...
Oh well. 
She did say the author is a New Yorker, if that helps.  The guy, I should add, lives almost entirely surrounded by water.)
Oddly, though, as we were listening to the NPR news quiz today, they mentioned another small point -- they said that someone looked up the address of Marlo Thomas's New Yorker character in the old TV sitcom That Girl, and discovered that she lived at the bottom of the East River. 
IS SHE AN OPERATIVE?  If you think I'm going to post that kind of information on the Internet, you're dreaming.


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